Sunday 5 June 2016

Pakistan From Jinnah To Bhutto

3) ZA Bhutto signing a portrait of himself in 1975. His populist regime (1971-77) tried to blend socialism with democratic populism and certain aspects of Political Islam. Under him, the Pakistan Ideology meant a national evolution towards creating a state and nation that was progressive and multicultural, driven by egalitarian notions of Islam and an aggressive stance against India. He was toppled in 1977 in a military coup and then hanged (through a controversial trial) in 1979.
ZA Bhutto signing a portrait of himself in 1975. His populist regime (1971-77) tried to blend socialism with democratic populism and certain aspects of Political Islam. Under him, the Pakistan Ideology meant a national evolution towards creating a state and nation that was progressive and multicultural, driven by egalitarian notions of Islam and an aggressive stance against India. He was toppled in 1977 in a military coup and then hanged (through a controversial trial) in 1979.


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